Sunday, 19 April 2009

Tanqueray gin Photo Competition

As an artist looking for fame and recognition, I have dived into several endeavours lately. One of the most recent ones is my participation in the Tanqueray gin Photo Competition.

The makers of Tanqueray gin have teamed up with Magnum Photos to capture the rich, intense flavour of Tanqueray. The winning photographs from ‘A Taste for Life’ will be exhibited at Liberty of London later this year and your photograph could be there. The judging panel includes Jeremy Langmead, Editor of Esquire magazine, Alan Sparrow, Picture Editor of Metro and Nicky Catley, Picture Editor of The Daily Telegraph.

‘A Taste for Life’ is a celebration of rich, intense moments in life. The judges are looking for you to capture your own rich, intense moment in life which epitomises the taste of Tanqueray gin. It could be anything from a celebration, an adventure, or an expression that captures Tanqueray’s rich intensity.

So, I uploaded few photos that I have taken in the last year or so. The Admins approved three, two more are pending. You can see the pictures here and vote for them (not that it would make any difference in the final ruling).

As usual, I am hoping for the top price! There are two age categories and since I still fit into the younger one (18-24), I think there is a big chance I score high this time. Provided they approve the rest of the pictures!

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Il mio cane

Oh, I almost forgot. Let me introduce you my dog. Her name is Nikita and she is half a German Shepherd. Her dad is a bastard. She is very smart and has quite an opinion, which makes her hard to handle most of the time. Though I love her utterly. In return, she let me take her picture while she was having a siesta.

The light is natural; the camera is not professional; the post-processing is extensive. Enjoy.

Summer Exhibition

Two weeks ago I submitted two works for the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Art in London. The Exhibition is held every year without interruption since 1769 and attracts around 10,000 works. The Summer Exhibition is the largest open contemporary art exhibition in the world, drawing together a wide range of new work by both established and unknown living artists
After careful consideration by a special appointed committee, around 1,200 works are selected, the majority of which are for sale.

On May 29, 2009 the Royal Academy will announce the selected works. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I put mine for sale as well. There are also few awards in different categories. I am hoping for the biggest one - £25,000. (How humble of me ;)

Unfortunately, I cannot find a picture of the painting on my computer. I shall upload it shortly.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009


This blog is intended to provide a platform for exhibition and reflection of the works of art that I create. I occupy myself with various forms of expression though my favourite at the moment are prose, photography and painting. (Random fact: all start with the letter "P," same as both my names. For some strange reason that makes me happy.)

I am impressed with the world around me. Nature fascinates me; because it is perfect. I like to photograph it and share its beauty with other people.

People fascinate me too, though differently; mostly in the insane way we act most of the time. That in turn provokes a lot of thought and it's a great source for reflection. In writing.

I like painting and drawing. It feels like I am in trans and someone else is leading the is very relaxing. I am still experimenting, trying to develop my own style. Haven't fully succeeded yet, but I am on the way.

I like to make people think, question their ways and way of doing and existence. I wish my art would provoke thoughts in people's heads. It seems to me most of us live on autopilot nowadays. And that makes me sad. If I could make one person think, I would be happy, my purpose would be fulfilled.

I work with my partner sometimes. He is a great source of inspiration, ideas and criticism (though not always constructive :) and reflection. He is a regular subject in my photography and art as well.

I hope you enjoy my little world. Please share your thoughts with me. I appreciate them.

Needless to say, I own full copyrights to all pieces of art and thought expressed on this web.

Thank you.

Polina Pen