The makers of Tanqueray gin have teamed up with Magnum Photos to capture the rich, intense flavour of Tanqueray. The winning photographs from ‘A Taste for Life’ will be exhibited at Liberty of London later this year and your photograph could be there. The judging panel includes Jeremy Langmead, Editor of Esquire magazine, Alan Sparrow, Picture Editor of Metro and Nicky Catley, Picture Editor of The Daily Telegraph.
‘A Taste for Life’ is a celebration of rich, intense moments in life. The judges are looking for you to capture your own rich, intense moment in life which epitomises the taste of Tanqueray gin. It could be anything from a celebration, an adventure, or an expression that captures Tanqueray’s rich intensity.
So, I uploaded few photos that I have taken in the last year or so. The Admins approved three, two more are pending. You can see the pictures here and vote for them (not that it would make any difference in the final ruling).
As usual, I am hoping for the top price! There are two age categories and since I still fit into the younger one (18-24), I think there is a big chance I score high this time. Provided they approve the rest of the pictures!